Sunday Eucharist starts at 9:45 After the service the congregation moves to the parish hall for refreshments. After refreshments, a discussion group/class meets for any interested adults, teenagers and children. Check here for times on special occasions such as holy days, funerals, Lenten services, and t. he like.
Thursday Eucharist begins at 11:00 following by lunch and fellowship
Coming Events:..
Sunday, January 12-Holy Eucharist (with incense) at 9:45 followed by refreshments and NO Sunday Reflections
Sunday, January 12-Vestry meeting following refreshments
Monday, January 13-Wednesday January 22-Father Bob and Jeannette will take a few days of well-rest. If you are in need of a priest please contact Keith Lunsford, Senior Warden, and he will provide that information for you. For any problems with the church buildings or grounds, please contact Maryann Morley, Junior Warden.
Thursday, January 16– Morning Prayer at 11:00 followed by fellowship during lunch
Saturday, January 18-Free Community Meal from 4-6. All are invited including friends and family!
Sunday, January 19-Morninng Prayer at 9:45 with the sermon by Chance Wyatt. That will be followed by refreshments followed by Formation Class.
Thursday, January 23-Holy Eucharist at 11:00 followed by fellowship at lunch